Urban Agriculture World Summit
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- 世界都市農業サミット開催概要
- Urban Agriculture World Summit
It is rare in the world for agricultural land to be co-located in the city, and for the agriculture to have been operated while incorporating into civic life, which is presented in Nerima City as one of the twenty-three cities in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
In recent years, the roles and benefits of agriculture and farmland in the city have been reviewed, and various approaches have been taken as interest in agriculture has increased in many cities around the world. Urban agriculture and urban farmlands have the potential of enriching civic life more in the future, as well as having various functions including the supply of agricultural products, disaster management, and other environmental aspects.
Inviting representatives of overseas cities that are actively engaged in urban agriculture, Nerima City is going to host Urban Agriculture World Summit from November 29 to December 1, 2019 to introduce the appeals and potentials of urban agriculture, internationally as well as in Japan.
We are holding the Breakout Session and Symposium in which farmers, researchers, and government officials participate from five cities: New York, London, Jakarta, Seoul, and Toronto, so that we can share the idea of benefits and appeals of urban agriculture, learn from each other, and thereby lead to the development of urban agriculture.
Click here to download the English brochure of UAWS.(PDF:14,857KB)
Event Summary
November 29 (Fri)-December 1 (Sun), 2019
Nerima Culture Center, Coconeri Hall, Heisei Tsutsuji Park, and other sites.
November 29 (Fri)
Jazz concert
November 30 (Sat)
Nerima Daikon pulling out tournament, International Conference (Breakout Session)
December 1 (Sun)
Neri-Marche, Nerima World Festival, International Conference (Symposium), Everyone's Agriculture contest
Participating cities
New York, London, Jakarta, Seoul, Toronto
Urban Agriculture World Summit Pre-Event was held successfully!
From November 23rd (Fri) to 25th (Sun), 2018, a pre-event was held to widely transmit the appeal of urban agriculture and increase momentum, preliminary to next year's Urban Agriculture World Summit.
On November 23rd (Fri. Holiday), we held "Diva Jazz Summit," and "International Exchange Get-Together" where people experienced the culture from other countries.
On the 24th (Sat), "Neri-Marche (farmers' market)" selling fresh vegetables harvested in Nerima, talk show "Nerima Gurashi no susume (Living in Nerima)" which theme was agri-life, "Everyone's Agriculture contest award ceremony", and "World Market" (until 25th) where cuisines, goods and interiors from various countries were exhibited.
On the 25th (Sun), we held a harvesting experience event and a city walk tour for people from foreign countries, as well as a harvesting experience event of Nerima Daikon and fall harvest crops at the farm in the city.
Also, four people who were either administrative officials or researchers from New York and London participated in this Pre-Event. They took part in the panel discussions with local people related to agriculture, introduced the approaches of their cities, and exchanged opinions on urban agriculture for Urban Agriculture World Summit scheduled to be held next year.
From left to right,
・Nevin Cohen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of City University of New York, Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy
・Mr. Mark Ainsbury, Principal Food Policy Officer, Regeneration and Economic Development Unit, GREATER LONDON AUTHORITY
・Mr. MAEKAWA Akio, mayor of Nerima City, chairman of Urban Agriculture World Summit Committee
・Dr. Andre Viljoen, Professor of Architecture, School of Architecture & Design, University of Brighton
・Mr. Bill LoSasso, Director of NYC Parks GreenThumb
"Everyone's Agriculture Contest" announcement of the results
During Urban Agriculture World Summit Pre-Event, we presented awards to the winners of "Everyone's Agriculture contest" sought from the public between July 1st and September 7th, 2018.
Each of the awardees received a letter of commendation from the mayor of Nerima City, who is a chairman of Urban Agriculture World Summit Committee, and was presented with the extra prize from TV personality, Ms. Miyoko Omomo.
-The idea (painting) sought among elementary and junior high school students on the theme of "the image of Nerima with farming in 20 years"
10 best prize
30 JA Tokyo Aoba Special Prize
-Project design plans are being sought from the public "relevant to agriculture in the city which enables the urban life to be more attractive"
3 best prize
Three award-winning planning projects here will be implemented by the planners through the year preliminary to Urban Agriculture World Summit 2019, and eventually the grand prize will be selected among them.
Click here to see the contest winners and their work.(PDF:782KB)
We introduce the contest winners and their work on the page.
Summit Logo images
Here are the logo images for Urban Agriculture World Summit. "UAWS" stands for "Urban Agriculture World Summit." These logo not only function as a symbol of Urban Agriculture World Summit, but also encourage the participating cities to share the significance and attractiveness of urban agriculture, learn from each other, explore new approaches, and leads to the development of urban agriculture.
The vivid green square that emphasizes the bright future of the city expresses that farmland and residential areas coexisted when Nerima City was captured from the sky, where the white lines represent the way people are passing by.
Horizontal version
Vertical green version
Vertical white version
Urban Agriculture World Summit Master Plan
Urban Agriculture World Summit Master Plan (ENG) (PDF:1,292KB)
Shaping the Future of the City, Nerima Urban Agriculture
We posted a PR video "Shaping the Future of the City, Nerima Urban Agriculture" showing the attractiveness of Nerima's urban agriculture. You can see various agricultural activities practiced in Nerima, such as how carefully and affectionately Nerima Daikons(a traditional and local variety of Japanese white radish)are grown, how lively Neri-Marche (Nerima's farmers’ market) is, and so on. Please check it out!
Learn more about Nerima Urban Agriculture through video
Contact details for inquiries
Official in charge of international conference at Urban Agriculture World Summit Section in Urban Agriculture Division
Tel; +81-3-5984-1498 (direct), Fax; +81-3-3993-1451
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